GeOrg version

Another update for 1.1.6 while we are still working on 1.1.7.

We have had a report about problems when selecting caches on the map on a Nexus One device: In many cases the detail-bubble would point to the wrong cache, making it hard to select the right one. This update should fix this issue. Also deactivating the screensaver for compass & map previously didn’t work for OpenStreetMaps. And … finally, trying to import a zip with no GPX-files or a whole directory without GPX-files shouldn’t cause crashes anymore.

Happy caching! 🙂

A new connector in town: BCaching

A few days ago a new connector for GeOrg has been published in the Android Market. It was written by the owner of With this connector you can access data from your Groundspeak PocketQueries housed at BCaching without importing large gpx-files into GeOrg. Instead, GeOrg displays caches on the Map-Page and within the Find Neaby-Page live from BCaching.

Now, that sounds nearly like what people are doing with the offical Groundspeak iPhone-App all the time. What’s BCaching anyway and is it legal?

First of all, it IS legal. BCaching is operating with Groundspeaks consent. Also, only premium members get to use its features, because you have to define Pocket Queries before getting at any live data at all. That out of the way, this is how it works:

  • First you create an account at (it’s free)
  • Then you initially upload one “My Finds” Pocket Query to
  • After that your account is established and you can upload other Pocket Queries. You can also set up your Pocket Queries to be sent directly to your mail-account at BCaching so that BCaching always has the latest information from your Pocket Queries.

You can now access your Pocket Query-data at on your computer, from any mobile device via a slim and fast mobile browser-optimized version of the site or – and that’s the news – directly from GeOrg.

Whenever you find a cache you want to do (on the Map-Page or the Find Nearby-Page with the BCaching-Connector configured and enabled), you can choose to download that cache to your CacheDB. If you set up your Pocket Query to automatically update the BCaching-database, you’ll get fresh new information while keeping your CacheDB small and fast.

Also information in the BCaching-database accumulates! You can cover a vast area with Pocket Queries by defining several to run on different days of the week – overcoming the PQ/day-limit and avoiding continually importing all those huge heaps of data.

You can find some more information about BCaching at their site. Expect to see some additional features in GeOrg targeted at the BCaching- and the in the future.

Happy caching! 🙂

GeOrg version

Just another small bugfix-update for two crashes you reported via mail and one that I found when implementing the new SunMoon-Solver for 1.1.7. Seems like nobody has ever tried to create a waypoint north or south of the 60th parallel. Only traditional caches there? 😉

The fixes are listed in the changelog.

Happy caching! 🙂

GeOrg version

Some of you have reported crashes which should be fixed with this small update. Also, GCVote is working again. The fixes are listed in the changelog.

Happy caching! 🙂

Connectors updated

Today we updated the as well as the sample-connector. A czech user notified us about a bug when using providers with proxies that compress HTTP-responses. He also was so kind as to provide us with a “ready to merge”-patch for the problem – thank you very much! 🙂

If you don’t have problems with connectors right now, you don’t really need to update.

GeOrg version

There’s another small bugfix for the latest GeOrg release. It fixes:

  • A crash when returning to list-activites like CacheDB or WaypointDB
  • A crash when trying to import empty routes
  • A crash when a wrong cachetype was returned by the

Thanks to all, who sent in crashreports – this really helps to resolve matters quickly!

Georg version

We’ve had reports of people not being able to migrate their database from to 1.1.6. While we are not able to reproduce the problem here, yet – we have an update ready that should stop the error from occuring.

GeOrg – connector sample updated

We upgraded the connector-sample to show how spoiler-downloads can work in custom connectors.

GeOrg – released

We have published our connector for the german geocaching-website on the Android Market. If you are geocaching in germany you might want to install it to get live-access to the from within the MapPage and the FindNearestPage.

GeOrg version 1.1.6

There’s a new version of GeOrg available in the market. It has several new features and bugfixes, all of which are listed in the Changelog. For the next release, we plan to complete support for additional waypoints by letting you edit/add/delete waypoints to caches.

Here’s an overview with the most important changes in the new release:

  • Additional waypoints
    Additional waypoints are shown on the map, if you select a cache that has any. To keep the display from becoming to cluttered, waypoints are only displayed for one selected cache at a time and the cache you are navigating to right now.
  • Clipboard support
    You can now select and copy parts of the cache-description to the clipboard.
  • Comment caches
    Ability to add comments to caches. For example, you could save information about multi-stages or just make a note about the condition of the cache. (These notes are currently available offline only. Support for field-notes is planned, though.)
  • Solvers
    Solve riddles with the new GeOrg-Solvers. This is a growing list of small tools that help you solve common geocaching-problems. This initial release features Caesar-decryption (can also decypher geocaching hints), roman numbers, vanity numbers and morse-code.
  • Improved visualisation of signal-quality
    The quality of your currently determined position is now signalled with easy to recognize colors in the MainPage, CompassPage and MapPage.
  • Quick jump to cache
    Clicking on the name of your current navigation-target in the Compass- or MapPage takes you to the corresponding cache or waypoint.
  • Multi-select on map
    If there are several waypoints/caches next to each other on the map, clicking on the cluster lets you now select your target from a list.
  • Static routes
    With this version you can import routes from GPX in the new RoutesPage. You can display these routes on the map. Also, you can save calculated can-navigation routes as static routes for later use. (Currently the distance to your destination is not displayed when using static routes).
  • Mark caches as DNF
  • More import-options
    You can now import Waypoints directly to the waypoint-list and GPX-routes from within the RoutesPage. You can opt to import all GPX-files in a given directory to your CacheDB at once and last but not least there are new import settings like “Keep Found-state for existing caches” or “Delete caches that have not been updated by GPX for a configurable amount of days”
  • Health-Check
    GeOrg can now identify corrupt CacheDBs and fix them

Happy geocaching with the new version. If you have questions or problems, feel free to contact us!

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