This changelog lists changes in previous releases of GeOrg and in the release currently under development. As we continue development for a given release you’ll see features appear in the list as soon as they are implemented. For future releases there’s just a rough outline of what’s planned.
(updated Oct 27th 2014).
Long term planned features
Features and improvements:
- Support for official GC-API
- Filters and filtered actions
- Custom Map extensions
- Customizable Target Frame
- Bluetooth GPS directly from within GeOrg
Version 1.2.x (major release, soon)
- Support for additional log-types
- Finding a cache stops navigation to it.
- Fix for importing caches containing illegal characters.
- Better support for tapping the navigation-frame for cache-details
- Fix for Char2Number-Solver: Characters outside the alphabet now translate to ‘?’
- … something more …
- GeOrg erroneously offered to open some URLs.
- To decrease the number of OutOfMemory-Errors reported, the number of spoilers displayed within a cache has been limited (configureable inside the import-options)
- Spoilers are now clickable and will open in 3rd-party tools for zooming and image-manipulation.
- Support for new waypoint-types “physical/virtual stage”. Future new waypoint-types can be imported even GeOrg doesn’t recognize the type.
- Fixed “Navigation with Google Navigation”. Downside: Target name is not displayed within Google Navigation anymore.
- Some fixes to make gps-information more consistent. (no annoying “activating/active”-flickering anymore)
- Fixed long description in cache-details from being sized to large.
- Fixed long clicks in lists from triggering the short-click-function as well.
- New option to load spoilers via connector only when wifi present.
- Support for Giga Event and Groundspeak Block Party waypoint types.
- Fix for Mapsforge-maps not being displayed
- Supports Mapsforge-Themes
- Bugfix for crash when opening caches in browser obtained by GC-API-Connector
- Connector is notified when GeOrg is in fore-/background to improve performance
- Faster GPS-shutdown when GeOrg gets backgrounded
- Fixed opencaching-connector GPX-download and -import
- Add-WP-context-menu-option-lists “show cache”-text fixed
- Screensavers wasn’t deactivated in “partial”-mode on Mapsforge-Maps. Now it is.
- Removed support for discontinued Osmarender map. Added Transport- and MapquestOpen-map
- Pressing BACK didn’t close bubble-popups on Mapsforge-Maps. Now does.
- Fixed a bug that prevented importing GPX into selected CacheDBs
- Having entered illegal characters at the “Create DB”-dialog doesn’t close it anymore.
- Bugfix when cancelling “Create DB”-dialog
- Crashfix for cases when calculating car navigation takes a bit longer
- GeOrg-process would respawn (idle!), even if killed or exited
- Support for Mapsforge-Maps
- Cache-Page remembers last fontsize set
- Automatically determining name for offlinemap
- Reworked Location-Code to be more consistent and avoid error with android 4.1.2
- Reworked attachment-import, hopefully finally fixed now
- When routing-calculation fails, don’t automatically switch to offroad, but ask the user instead
- Small changes to accomodate new connector
- Bugfix for writing field notes on connector-read caches
- Bugfix when reading some inconsistent connector-data
- Bugfix when handling different map-projections
- Bugfix when reading spoilers with certain characters in their names
- Bugfix for api-change in car-navigation
- Bugfix for reading sat-data on Galaxy Nexus
- Bugfix at Setting Page in connection with upcoming BT-support
- Bugfix at the crash-dialog
- Bugfix for theme-errors at the safety-check-dialog
- Bugfix for Timezone at the SunMoon-Solver
- Resetting Sat-Statistics when switching providers in preparation of upcoming BT-support
- Fixed bug when changing or selecting target at Compass Page
- Fixed double Connector-requests for cachedetails
- Fixed text flashing when touching menu in night-theme
- Bugfix when restoring the last position
- Bugfix terrain map
- Bugfix for importing waypoints containing spaces
- Fixed a compatibility-issue in conjunction with the gc-api-connector
- The state (scrollposition, content shown) of the last 5 listings you viewed are now remembered by GeOrg and restored when you next open them.
- The theme is displayed correctly at the settings pages on devices from all manufacturers
- Fixed crash with Android 4.0 concerning external databases.
- Fixed crash with newer android-versions because incompatible API-change for gathering sat-information.
- Fixed a problem with automatic Day/Night-Theme-Change.
- Fixed some wrong attribute-tooltips.
- Support for new groundspeak-attributes
- Removed spelling-correction for cachenames
- Fixes a crash that prevents you from entering GeOrg.
- Fixes a bug with the auto-theme-selector which would not correctly consider DST.
- Pressing “Back” closes Bubbles on the map
- Fixed some translational errors
- Enabled the Night-Theme in the Settings for some Manufacturers, who still don’t get it.
- Some rare bugs gathered from your bugreports and the market bugreporting system
- Fixed crash when importing GPX from mail-attachment and mail-app needs special permissions for access.
- Added a bunch of new mail-permissions for different mail-apps to be able to read GPX-attachments when switching to GeOrg for GPX-import from within these apps.
- Field Notes are now ordered latest first.
- Fixed FC when importing ZIP from attachment to CacheDB which already contained caches
- Internationalization – german version
- Internationalization – choose language independently from system language
- Solver: ASCII (as part of the “Char to Number”-Solver)
- Navigation by 3rd-party app (e.g. Navigon)
- Support for Locus-SQLite-Maps
- Fixed a rare bug where GeOrg would not start up anymore due to inconsistencies with current CacheDB.
- Fixed layout of CacheDB on devices with hires-screens
- Fixed constant-map-redraw-bug on devices with hires-screens.
- Inactive categories in cachelistings are now hidden by default.
- Leaving the map while navigating to an Add.WP, deleting the CacheDB and returning to the map no longer makes GeOrg crash.
- Fixed running out of memory when reading large zipped AndNav Tilepacks
- Hyphens are now accepted in GC-Codes.
- Safety check dialog was missing when importing caches from zipped-email-attachments into a CacheDB which already contained content
- Logging via connector was not handling newlines correctly, now it does.
- Fixed a deadlock where GeOrg would not recover from a corrupt CacheDB anymore
- Tons of smaller bugfixes, for problems you reported or that I ran into when translating the software.
Version (bugfix release, 13/10/14)
Version (bugfix release, 12/10/14)
Version (minor release, 25/04/13)
Version (minor release, 24/04/13)
Version (minor release, 03/04/13)
Version (minor release, 04/09/12)
Version (bugfix release, 04/25/11)
Version (bugfix release, 03/21/11)
Version (bugfix release, 02/27/11)
Version 1.1.9 (release, 02/27/11)