Managing Position
Your current position is managed by GeOrg depending on how you told it to handle location-based services. If you are within the Main-Page of Georg, your will find a menu-entry “Manage Position”. This will give you four options:
- GPS – Your location will be determined by GPS when you are running GeOrg. This is the most exact method of location determination. It’s also probably be the most effective battery-draining-method. If you go hunting caches with your android-phone as your sole device, you will have to use this setting!
- Cell only – Your location is determined by the cell-phone-network. This will quickly determine your position within a few hundred feet, even if you are in closed buildings, so it’s ok to get an overview of nearby caches. This setting is not recommended to actually search for caches.
- Cell + Wifi – Like “Cell only” but considering wifi-signals near to your location. This will normally improve the accuracy of your position by a factor of 10. Still not enough to hunt, but better than “Cell only”. Since this option enables Wifi, it wastes more energy.
- Manually – You know exactly where you are and enter your current coordinates by hand. If you use GeOrg only as a paperless caching solution next to a GPSr, this may make sense – also, if you are looking for caches in a distant area.
External Settings
Some of these options – depending on your current configuration – will offer you to visit a page of your android-system-settings in order to enable your GPS or your cell-based location-service. If you visit such a settings-page, you can return to GeOrg via the BACK-key
Information about your position
On the main-page of GeOrg you can not only see your current position but also …
- Accuracy – how accurate your current position could be determined. The value is a radius around the determined position spanning a circular area in which you might be right now.
- Source – how the current position was determined. This includes “gps”, “cell” but also “manual” if you entered the position manually and “history” if the current position couldn’t yet be determined and an old location was used to serve as your temporary position.
- Status – status of the current location provider. If you selected GPS as a location provider, this will contain the number of satellites that where used for determining your location. The first value contains the number of satellites you already have a fix to, the second the number of satellites available at the moment.