GeOrg version 1.1.7

We just released GeOrg 1.1.7 on the Android Market. As always, the detailed list of changes and fixes is available in the Changelog. These are the main features in this release, tough:

  • Additional Waypoints:
    You can now add/edit/delete your own additional waypoints. Additional waypoints imported via GPX are unchangeable, but you can duplicate them to make changes to the duplicate. Also you can switch association of waypoints from one cache to another and even make them global waypoints.
  • Day-Theme:
    GeOrg now supports a black-on-white “day-theme”, so you can better read the display in the sun. You can change the current theme in the display-settings. There’s also an “Auto”-setting that make GeOrg switch between the night- and the day-theme when the sun sets/rises. (please note, that due to an android bug the Settings-Page always remains white-on-black in android-versions > 1.6)
  • Sat-Status-View:
    The sat-status-display has gotten a graphical overhaul. If you prefer the old (x/y)-display you can revert to that in the Settings.
  • Directional icon:
    Like what you are used to from – you’ll find a small compass display next to most distances now that gives you an idea as to in what direction a waypoint is in.
  • Create waypoint on map:
    In the Positions-menu in the map you can now enter a mode where you can create a waypoint by touching the map at the position you want the waypoint to be created at.
  • SunMoon-Solver:
    Tells you when the Sun and the Moon rise/set, where they are, how far they are and other geek-stuff. Useful for example if you want to find out when to meet for a night-cache (civil-dusk would probably be a good time)

The next things we’ll work on are Filters and Field Notes. Happy caching with GeOrg 1.1.7 and as always: contact us if you have any problems or feature requests.

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