Sample sourcecode for Connector available

The sourcecode of our sample connector for GeOrg is now available. There’s an in-depth description there about how to setup your environment to code for Android and how to run the sample on your phone.

Just released bugfix-version 1.0.2

Thanks to two users who sent in crashreports from within GeOrg we were able to nail down a bug that crept into version 1.0.1. (Btw, it was the first time the crashreport-feature was used in production, those stacktraces are really helpful)

Now the GPX-Import from mail attachments should be working again. I hope we haven’t caused any inconveniences.

First update for GeOrg brings support for travelbugs and geocoding

This morning the first update for GeOrg has seen the light of the android market :-). The documentation will be updated soon.

  • Travelbug/Coin-support
    As some of our users asked for it, we implemented a basic support for travellers. Bugs and Coins will now be read from a GPX-file and displayed at the suitable Geocache’s Cache-Detail-Page. There’s also a date telling you when you imported the traveller, so you can judge how current the information is. You can jump to the TBs homepage at Groundspeak by clicking on it.
    The GPX doesn’t let us see if it’s a coin or at TB, though – so there’s one icon for both.
  • Geocoding
    You can now enter coordinates by address using Google’s geocoding-API. When entering a waypoint or telling the map to pan to a new position you get a new address-search-button opening a new dialog. Enter an address there like “Wallstreet NY” and you get the coordinates for the place.
  • Added Setting to prevent Detail-Page to follow external links
    Some of you have expressed concern about pricey mobile data-rates in their area. There are some greater features still to come later, to help you – but this was an easy one: With GeOrg 1.0.1 you can stop the Cache-Detail-Page from loading external pictures from the web. Pictures already in your cache will be displayed, though. You can delete your cache from within android’s “Manage applications”-Settings.
  • Squished several bugs and made minor tweaks
    Most importantly if you live in one of the three quarters of the world that have an S- oder W-“prefix” in front of their coordinates, these coordinates are now displayed correctly. 😉
  • Tested with 1.6
    Though we haven’t yet received the OTA-update, we have tested GeOrg with android 1.6 in the emulator. It works, even on WVGA and QVGA.

Work on the next release has already begun, until then we wish you Happy Geocaching with the new release, thank you for giving us feedback and please continue to do so – that way we can bring you the features you really need.

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