GeOrg version

As the Android Froyo-release is currently being rolled out all over european HTC Desires (we just got our OTA), here’s a GeOrg release that supports being moved to SD.

Don’t get fooled by the numbers in the application-settings, though. GeOrg uses symbolic links to link CacheDBs on your SD-Card to internal storage. That way they don’t use the precious internal storage, but the settings-app still counts the CacheDB’s size as if it belonged to internal memory. Waiting for 2.3 to fix that 😉

Happy geocaching!

BirdBox 1.0.0

Last friday we finally published our second app on the Android Market. The ‘BirdBox’ contains voices and pictures of the 100 most common german birds and aids you in identifying them, managing your sightings and even features a quiz. As the app is relevant for Germany, Switzerland and Austria only, it’s available only for german market-participants and the site and app are written in german. Here’s the scoop for our german readers:

Am letzten Freitag haben wir endlich unsere zweite App auf dem Android Market herausgebracht. Die BirdBox zeigt Euch die hundert häufigsten Vögel Deutschlands mit Gesängen, Rufen und Bildern. Ihr könnt Vögel anhand von Merkmalen, die Ihr beobachtet habt, suchen und bestimmen, Eure Sichtungen als Wegpunkte verwalten und Euer Wissen in einem Quiz testen. Die Anwendung kostet 2,50€. Wenn Ihr mehr wissen wollt – schaut Euch die Webseite der BirdBox an.

That said – back to work on 1.1.8 🙂 Happy caching!

GeOrg version

Fixed a bug for low-density-devices (like the Tattoo), where the date/time-dialog (e.g. when entering Field Notes or using the SunMoon-Solver) was not fully displayed. Due to the size of the widgets in that dialog I introduced a small scollbar for these devices.

GeOrg version

Another bugfix. If you encountered sporadic inconsistent behaviour between different pages of the app (varying Found-Count, locationprovider, etc.), this bugfix is for you 🙂

Back to working on the next feature release – Happy caching!

GeOrg version

This bugfix release contains some smaller fixes for the Field Note-system, especially the Found Count. Also, GeOrg now recognizes your timezone correctly and uses that in the Field Note-export. Make sure you use the same timezone in your Groundspeak profile or else your Field Notes might suffer from jet-lag 😉

Happy caching!

GeOrg version

GeOrg is ready and has just been uploaded to the Android Market. Please find the detailed list of changes and fixes is available in the Changelog. The most relevant changes are:

  • Field Notes:
    The main effort for this release has gone into providing a Field Note-System that not only lets you mark caches as found/dnf, but also tracks the time of the found and saves optional comments, you might want to enter. Later you can export all your Field Notes from a separate menu to your SD-card or as an email-attachment (the latter requiring Android 2.0+) and upload them to Groundspeak to complete your logs.
    A more detailed description of the process will be added to the manual soon.
  • GPS-compass:
    Some of you have asked for switching between the magnetic and the gps-compass. The gps-compass takes its data from the gps-provider. Whenever you are moving, the gps-provider tracks your heading and this is, what is used in the compass. You can configure a threshold speed – below that speed, the magnetic compass is used, above it, the gps-compass kicks in.

    This feature might make sense for you, if you want to use GeOrg in your car or if you are unsatisfied with the performance of the magnetic compass in your device. Be aware that the gps-compass can only provide useful data when you are moving. If you are standing still (and have configured the threshold to 0 km/h or mph) it won’t work.

  • Fast scroll CacheDB:
    In bigger CacheDBs, scrolling used to take some time. With the fast scrollbar, you can nearly instantly reach the bottom of your 2K CacheDB.
  • The next release will still be a 1.1.7.x-version and will contain extended connector-support and more solvers. Stay tuned 🙂

    Have fun with the new release and please contact us if you have any problems or feature requests.

GeOrg version

This update contains fixes for several smaller issues, some of you were having with 1.1.7. For a detailed list of fixed bugs, please visit the changelog.

Happy GeOrg-Caching 😉

GeOrg version 1.1.7

We just released GeOrg 1.1.7 on the Android Market. As always, the detailed list of changes and fixes is available in the Changelog. These are the main features in this release, tough:

  • Additional Waypoints:
    You can now add/edit/delete your own additional waypoints. Additional waypoints imported via GPX are unchangeable, but you can duplicate them to make changes to the duplicate. Also you can switch association of waypoints from one cache to another and even make them global waypoints.
  • Day-Theme:
    GeOrg now supports a black-on-white “day-theme”, so you can better read the display in the sun. You can change the current theme in the display-settings. There’s also an “Auto”-setting that make GeOrg switch between the night- and the day-theme when the sun sets/rises. (please note, that due to an android bug the Settings-Page always remains white-on-black in android-versions > 1.6)
  • Sat-Status-View:
    The sat-status-display has gotten a graphical overhaul. If you prefer the old (x/y)-display you can revert to that in the Settings.
  • Directional icon:
    Like what you are used to from – you’ll find a small compass display next to most distances now that gives you an idea as to in what direction a waypoint is in.
  • Create waypoint on map:
    In the Positions-menu in the map you can now enter a mode where you can create a waypoint by touching the map at the position you want the waypoint to be created at.
  • SunMoon-Solver:
    Tells you when the Sun and the Moon rise/set, where they are, how far they are and other geek-stuff. Useful for example if you want to find out when to meet for a night-cache (civil-dusk would probably be a good time)

The next things we’ll work on are Filters and Field Notes. Happy caching with GeOrg 1.1.7 and as always: contact us if you have any problems or feature requests.

Test-driving GeOrg 1.1.7 on our new android phone

This week our new phone arrived. It’s a HTC Desire. For a long time now we’ve been looking for a phone to replace our trusty G1. Especially we were waiting for a device with a hardware keyboard. We were not happy with the Droid/Milestone though and finally – after being able to test a friends HTC Desire – we dumped the keyboard-requirement.

We thinkt the Desire is a great android smartphone (even if you buy the “brown” version 😉 ). Especially its speed is impressive. While we have yet to take measurements, it’s already pretty obvious that GPX-import is flying – compared to the G1. Overall responsiveness has also improved.

The display is pretty good, though we think that it tends to have a slight reddish tint. In GeOrgs new Day-Theme there are light-gray panels which look quite neutral on the G1 and on the emulator – but on the Desire there’s a hint of purple. Also, we haven’t tested the device in the field yet, so it will be interesting to see if the display is still readable in direct sunlight.

One thing that kept worrying us the whole week just got solved. When we connected the Desire to our computer (with new HTC-drivers installed) and started the ADB (Android Debug Bridge) it didn’t recognize the device and instead showed a growing list of offline-devices – all with the same serial number. In case any other Desire user encounters this behaviour … After long painful sessions un- and reinstalling drivers and software we finally found the culprit. It was Kaspersky Antivirus (again). As the HTC-documentation stated, we deactivated the scanner during driver-installation, but that was not enough. Only today, after completely uninstalling Kaspersky we were able to install the HTC-drivers (v.2.0.33) and get an ADB-connection. After reinstalling Kaspersky everything still works, hopefully the configuration stays intact now, else developing for Android would just become a few stars more difficult …

GeOrg version

Another bugfix for the current release. With 1.1.6 you got the ability to enter comments for geocaches. We have now been made aware of the fact that these comments get deleted, whenever you re-import that geocache, either with a connector of by importing any GPX that contains that geocache. That was not the intended behaviour and it’s fixed with

We are sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused you 🙁

Ok – back to working on 1.1.7 – Happy caching!

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